Client company CoreNough LLC


Introduction of this interface

to me

Hi John,

I'm sending you this email to quickly introduce you to this mailbox replica.

1. It's all about timeNough, an enterprise software

It was recently purchased by CoreNough, and all employees have licenses, you included. It's an enterprise software in the employee monitoring field, specifically devoted to timesheet and activity tracking improvement. In contrast to existing solutions, the product does not have a visual interface, or GUI, allowing it to be a silent and transparent application, that can be plugged into any existing interface, such as your mailbox or the internal chat of the company.

Only key features are highlighted, like listing emails, reading them, replying or composing a new one. Archiving, deleting, marking as read, moving, searching or sorting are not available. This will result in an error message. Same for the links on the left blue bar: only the inbox and sent emails were developed for this interface; the other links will also pop up an error dialog box. For now, you will be able to see what you have sent and what you have received, with 10 permanent mails acting as a wiki and documentation, like this one.

Each time you add in your communications, new message or reply, there is a headless software that will process it, do something specific with it, but will never answer. It's not a human behind, but a piece of software. timeNough is operated, piloted and used in this way: no interface, just an internal email address to remember as an entry door, an account that will ignore emails from the outside. After that, based on the exchanges he might receive and be witness to: it will analyse the text and its length, deduct and determine the time spent by each involved person, in composing, correcting and reading each message, and save this internally.

  • First: it's an headless software, no new interface to learn for the employee, just one simple way to pilot it
  • There is a single entry point: an easy-to-remember internal email address
  • Everything is about an involvement wanted and desired for activity witnessing, there is no espionage, unsolicited invasion of privacy or abusive tracking here, no monitoring done secretly without employee consent. Nothing happens if our Bot is not mentioned, manually or automatically, with native transfer or copy features of the corporate mailbox.
  • Just ten minutes of local setup and integration are needed, with a software hosted inside client organization's infrastructure, network, firewall and mail system.
  • Finally, machine learning and artificial intelligence are built-in, for improved progressive deductions about each monitored user. The source code of our locally available program may be tuned at any time by the company.

I think now you should have a better understanding of what this interface is all about, but if you have any questions or comments about it, please tell me, I am here to help. Even when I'm not on the Slack chat, I always check my email.

You can ask Megan Rothstein about this interface if I'm off or busy because she has a lot of experience with it and participated in its integration. Also, Julianne from the sales team is quite comfortable with it, so don't hesitate to ask her anything, her emails are always answered.

See ya later,

Paul Griffin   
Senior Developer | CoreNough LLC
p:  +1 606-806-7604
IMPORTANT: The contents of this email and any attachments are confidential. It is strictly forbidden to share any part of this message with any third party, without a written consent of the sender. If you received this message by mistake, please reply to this message and follow with its deletion, so that we can ensure such a mistake does not occur in the future.
5 hours 11 mins You
Time Late 5 hours
⏱  When do you expect to arrive?

Please answer by following this safe link:
4 hours 48 mins You
Time Clock-in 4 hours 46 mins
✅  Work day started: Clock-in signal received.
4 hours You
Time Pause 3 hours 55 mins
Pause signal received: see you later.
1 hour You
Time Back 57 mins
✅  Back signal received: the pause is over.
32 mins You
🚫  Clock-out is not possible before 3:50 PM. Company's rules.
Just now You
Time Quant Just now