In the same way email messages can be sent to seven of timeNough's eight available bots, you can also send SMS text messages to them. Thanks to Twilio's programmable messaging API, there is one unique phone number that has been set up for the purpose of this MVP and demo: +1 (862) 305-8560. The idea is to send any kind of signals, but this time by simply putting one a keywords into your message. The same program, this time veiled behind a real telephone line, is ready to listen, wait and receive it, parse and understand it and, finally, do what it is supposed to do. Please consider eventual provider fees as the number is from the United States.
Now please take your smartphone and just:
write " in " for exchanging with the bot Time Clock-in and,
write and send the word " out " for interacting with the bot Time Clock-out,
send " pause " for dealing with the bot Time Pause and the moments you take a break,
then " back " for the bot Time Back and signali you are back in the game,
send " away " to this same +1 (862) 305-8560 for having the bot Time Away communicating with you,
write " late " if you want to discuss with Time Late and tell your team that you will be awkwardly late for a meeting,
and lastly, send the word quant for the bot called Time Quant and execute direct queries to retrieve time data.
Nothing else should be added, no spaces or punctuation. Place the keyword always at the beginning of your SMS.
The program hidden behind the mentioned phone number, timeNough's MVP, will ignore the case of the keyword - capitalization, title case, lowercase, uppercase, sentence case or else. You don't have to worry about that. Unfortunately, the only bot excluded from this SMS mechanism is Time Logger,, since it has been designed exclusively to measure and count typing time and reading time. No keywords have been prepared for him. To conclude, please do not try to call +1 (862) 305-8560 or reach this number vocally. Faxing it or sending it a Whatsapp won't work, either. It's exclusively for classic SMS exchanges, iMessage excluded.